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By April 12, 2014No Comments
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By Wayne Allyn Root


Forget the Ukraine. The real revolution is happening right now north of Las Vegas where a rancher is under assault by the U.S. government.


Remember that famous Las Vegas advertising slogan, “What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas.” Well when it comes to big government stealing our property and violating our rights, it’s just not true. What’s happening in Vegas is symbolic of what’s happening across this once great country. 


This federal government assault on a Nevada ranching family looks a lot like the Gestapo, the Stasi, or any other authoritarian Big Brother force that persecutes, intimidates and controls the people with an iron boot. Think I’m exaggerating? How about a Las Vegas elected official (County Commissioner Tom Collins) warning out of state protestors “to make funeral plans.” This isn’t Ukraine, or Moscow. That was a Las Vegas politician threatening to have government agents murder law-abiding protesters.


My Jewish grandparents told me “Never forget.” What they meant was, “We must never forget the Holocaust and what happened to our people.” Well it’s time to remember, before America is no longer the land of the free! Before your free speech is corralled into a “First Amendment Area.” Before government can steal your land and take away your rights based on trumped up charges. Before government can use force to taser legal non-violent protesters. Before someone is killed by masked government snipers with AK47’s trained on American citizens.


Don’t look now. It’s happening. This is an offshoot of Obama’s plan for America- an open distaste and disgust for ranchers, farmers, hunters, capitalist owners of land. Obama hates independence. Under this administration we have record numbers of welfare, food stamp, disability and unemployment insurance. We have a government spending record money advertising to entice more Americans – even illegal immigrants- to accept food stamps and entitlement checks. We’ve given up on enforcing illegal immigration. 


Obama treasures a nation filled with people who are desperate, helpless and dependent on government checks. He desperately needs to stamp out independent and self-reliant Americans who want nothing to do with the government. Look no further than this declaration of war upon a productive, taxpaying Nevada rancher family.


Obama always shows his hand with the three-letter government organizations- IRS, NSA, EPA, ATF, FDA, SEC. Obama uses them to target, intimidate and persecute his critics and political opponents. Now it’s time for a new 3-letter threat: BLM (Bureau of Land Management).


The federal government has surrounded the Bundy family ranch outside Las Vegas with snipers, heavily militarized police, vicious police dogs, black SUV’s, helicopters, low flying airplanes and automatic weapons. Cliven Bundy, is a patriotic rancher whose family has had the right to graze his cattle on this land since the 1870’s. Since before there was a BLM. Bundy does not believe he owes fees to the BLM. He recognizes this as a States’ Rights issue.


After well over a century with grazing rights on this land, suddenly in the 1990’s the federal government demanded rent to allow the Bundy family’s cattle to graze on it. Bundy claims his rights to graze came from the State of Nevada, not the BLM, and has already paid fees to Clark County, Nevada. Bundy already owns the water and forage rights to the land.


The feds blame this assault on the fact that desert tortoises reside on this land. The government is now using the tortoise as their “cover” for an armed assault on an American ranching family. Yet it is important to note that this same BLM has waived rules protecting the desert tortoise on numerous occasions to support wind and solar projects favored by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.



The BLM says Bundy owes $1.1 million in grazing fees (ostensibly to protest the desert tortoise) and has decided to use lethal force, positioning snipers on hilltops to perhaps shoot our own citizens. They’ve sicced vicious guard dogs on a pregnant woman.

They’ve tasered and arrested members of the Bundy family for standing up to a force killing and stealing their property.

Bundy’s sister (a cancer victim) was thrown to the ground. Son Dave Bundy was beaten, bruised and arrested by this Gestapo-like force for the crime of…taking photos outside “the First Amendment Area.”’s-son-arrested-in-roundup-incident-public-protest-results/ 


And they’ve tried to banish protestors to a “First Amendment Area” where free speech is “allowed.” Funny, I thought free speech was a right everywhere on American soil?


This is happening in America. Our country.


Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval (a very moderate Republican) is angered by the federal government assault on property and States’ Rights. Sandoval said, “No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists, nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans. The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”


Nevada U.S. Senator Dean Heller told BLM Director Neil Kornze, “…law-abiding Nevadans must not be penalized by an over-reaching BLM.”


Between you and me, I think these are both very weak statements for government overreach this dramatic. 


Clive Bundy used to have 52 rancher neighbors. They are all gone. He is the last man standing because the BLM has regulated ranchers out of business in favor of tortoises and green energy projects. 


Government isn’t just brutal, vicious and over-reaching. Government is hypocritical. This same government that is supposedly acting to protect desert tortoises, killed hundreds of these same tortoises only a year ago because they didn’t have the funding to take care of them.


Even more to the point, why protect desert tortoises if you’re killing cattle? Rendering trucks have been spotted at the government assault. For you city folk, rendering trucks are used to transport dead cattle. Bundy believes cattle are dropping dead in 90 degree heat after being chased by government helicopters.


Then there’s the glaring conflicts of interest in this case. Is the Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie refusing to intervene on behalf of a Nevada family because he is afraid of losing Homeland Security funding? The Sheriff is on the Board of Directors of The Nevada Commission on Homeland Security.


And there are now reports that U.S. Senator Harry Reid and his powerful attorney son Rory Reid want Bundy’s cattle off the land to make room for a $5 billion dollar Chinese solar project.


After Cliven Bundy’s property and rights are taken away, who will be next? Who knows what justification the BLM or corrupt government bullies like Harry Reid will use to steal your property, or beat your son for daring to take photos, or taser your pregnant daughter, or push to the ground your cancer-surviving wife. 


Wake up America. Either we stand up to Big Brother, or everything our great Founding Fathers fought for will soon be gone.