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Obama May Be a Socialist…If

By December 14, 2009No Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root, Author

Have you read the headlines the past few months? President Obama has proposed trillions of dollars in new taxes, along with trillions of dollars of irresponsible, unsustainable big government spending. With no way to pay for it all…except to wipe out small businessmen and women, and wipe out the middle class…and enslave our children and grandchildren with a mountain of debt and heavy taxes for a lifetime. It is, plainly and simply, the VERY definition of Socialism.

Let's say it out loud- Obama is a Socialist. If liberals and the biased liberal media won't face facts…I'm going to put the facts right in their faces. Up close and personal- Jeff Foxworthy style. Jeff Foxworthy literally defined rednecks…he didn't leave any doubt. All you could do was laugh and say, “Jeff hit that one right on the nose.” Well I'm going to now define a Socialist. And when I'm done, you can only cry and say, “Wow, Wayne sure described that Socialist fellow Obama.”

Here are the FACTS. Read 'em and weep:

If you want to abandon capitalism, to put the entire economy in the hands of big government…even though no branch of government has EVER had a single profitable year in history…even though no one in government has EVER run a business in their lives…and the only thing you know about jobs is written in books…and the only books you've ever read were written by Karl Marx…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you believe it's greedy for American taxpayers to want to keep more of their OWN money…but it's not greedy to demand that government confiscate other people's money and redistribute to you…even though you didn't earn it…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you don’t understand why newborn babies cry upon taking their first breathe…even though at the moment they are born, they are already $200,000 in debt…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If your hero is Abraham Lincoln…because you think he saved the auto union, the teachers union, and the government employees union…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you are in favor of bailouts of certain companies and certain industries…who just happen to give you large campaign contributions…and you want to bail them out with taxpayer money…and you don't even discuss, debate or disclose your plans with the taxpayers…and you won't disclose who got the money or how much they got…or what they spent it on…and you asked Congress to pass the 1000+ page bailout bill without reading it…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think that Congress should allocate hundreds of millions of extra dollars to the IRS to go after tax cheats in the business world…but your entire administration is filled with tax cheats…including the guy in charge of America's taxes (Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner)…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think denying someone a job, or government contract, or entry to college, because they are a minority is bad…but giving someone a job, or government contract, or a college admission, who hasn't earned it or met the qualifications for it…because they happen to be a minority is a good thing, as long as you call it “affirmative action”…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think it's okay to give all the rights under our American constitution to the terrorists who murdered 3000 Americans…but you never even thought to give those same rights to the bondholders, shareholders and investors of Chrysler and GM (who were first in line as secured creditors) when you stole the company from them and awarded it to the unions…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think it's okay to meet face to face with the worst anti-American dictators, tyrants and terrorist sympathizers in the world without preconditions because it's important to always keep the lines of communication open…but you refuse to meet or negotiate with conservatives or Republicans here in America…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think meeting face to face with all those anti-American dictators, tyrants and terrorist sympathizers…who laugh at you and taunt you behind your back…qualifies you to win the Nobel Peace Prize…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think that the “White House Party Crashers” are terrible people because they came to your state dinner without an invitation, but you want to give instant citizenship to 12 million uninvited “illegal aliens” who crashed our border…so that they will vote to elect Democrat politicians…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think 32 czars appointed without Congressional scrutiny or oversight…can run the American economy by committee- even though few if any have ever run a business in their lives…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you’re dumb enough, blind enough, insensitive enough, or arrogant enough to even choose to call your top advisors “czars”…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think it's okay to appoint a car czar to run the auto industry, even though he publicly admits that he knows NOTHING about cars…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you want to give as much as $100 billion dollars of taxpayer money to GM and Chrysler just so they can go BANKRUPT anyway…just so you can hand the company to the unions that bankrupted them in first place…and keep hundreds of thousands of grossly overpaid union workers employed…all because those unions contributed tens of millions of dollars to your campaign…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think it's OK for government to tell GM and Chrysler what kind of cars to build…what size…what gas mileage…what style…even if those "green cars" can never make a profit…even if consumers don't want to buy them…even if the taxpayers will lose $100 billion dollars on your bad ideas…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you want the federal government to take control over business…banks…automakers…Wall Street…the healthcare industry…literally highjack the entire economy…even though government throughout history has failed at everything it touches…even though the Postal Service (with no competition) manages to lose $7 billion per year…even though the IRS doesn’t answer phones…even though it takes 5 hours to get a drivers license at DMV…even though Homeland Security can’t stop a terrorist from boarding a plane who is on a “watch list”…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think it's just fine and dandy for government to decide CEO salaries…to tell executives in private industry how much they can earn…to call private industry greedy and overcompensated… but don't mind paying 7 million federal government employees compensation that is 70% higher than comparable jobs in the private sector…and giving almost 20% of them over $100,000 per year (before counting overtime, bonuses and pensions)…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think the CEO's of money-losing auto companies have no right to fly in private jets, but it's okay for Nancy Pelosi and members of Congress to fly nonstop on corporate jets and taxpayer-funded military jets…even though government is $100 trillion in debt…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think Nancy Pelosi is attractive…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you want to pass Cap and Trade and convert America to a “green economy” to create millions of jobs…even though Spain is the greenest economy in all of Europe…and they have 18% unemployment, the highest in all of socialist Europe…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think homeowners should be gung-ho to install solar panels at their homes, even though it takes homeowners 30 years (or longer) to realize enough savings to pay for it…and 90% of homeowners will be long out of their homes before the 30 years is up…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you support Cap and Trade…to save the world from global warming…even as global warming protests are being cancelled by record blizzards…even as it snows in Atlanta…even as crops are destroyed by record low temperatures in Florida…even as sea turtles are paralyzed by freezing temperatures in South Carolina…even as citizens freeze to death across Europe…even as London runs out of salt for their snow-covered roads…even as the UK train system grinds to a halt due to ice and snowdrifts on the tracks…even as U.N. scientists and climate experts admit we are entering a mini Ice Age…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you support Cap and Trade…even though it will double or triple every American's electric bills…and double or triple gas bills for drivers…and increase the cost of every product made with electricity, or driven to stores with gasoline…and thereby tax consumers and business out of existence…and cost millions of American jobs…all in the name of "global warming"…even though Al Gore and scientists across the globe have been caught fudging the numbers and committing “climate fraud”… and you want to try this risky and radical experiment IN MIDST OF A DEPRESSION…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you support Universal Healthcare…even though government has run the U.S. Postal service into bankruptcy…and run Amtrak into bankruptcy…and the public school system is a shambles and has dumbed-down our students to the lowest level in the industrialized world…and Medicare and Medicaid threaten to bankrupt the entire economy with their gigantic losses…and government has run up a $5.3 Trillion dollar unfunded liability just for pensions and free healthcare for government employees…and you now want to extend free healthcare to all 300 million Americans…and you think this will cut costs and SAVE money…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you’re excited about the idea of spending an extra trillion dollars (or more) to SAVE money on healthcare…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think we can add 50 million Americans…many of them illegal aliens…to the healthcare system…without adding one doctor…to the contrary by forcing thousands of doctors to quit or retire…and that won't cause rationing…or hurt the quality of healthcare for the rest of us…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think the only way to save the country from the certain bankruptcy and insolvency of Medicare and Medicaid's exploding budget deficits…is to create government-run healthcare…even though Medicare and Medicaid are government-run healthcare…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think government will lower healthcare costs even though the two states with the highest health insurance cost in all of America are also the two states with the most government regulation (New York and New Jersey)…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think Congress should pass a 2000 page healthcare bill without ever reading or publicly disclosing what’s in the small print…and neither the President nor Congress will agree to live under the healthcare system they are passing (because they have their own elitist, privileged, healthcare system)…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think Congress has a right to force every American at gunpoint to buy health insurance or go to prison…thereby rewarding certain health insurance conglomerates with billions of dollars in profits…even though none of that is constitutional…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think the only way to save money on healthcare is to put the government in charge…even though the bureaucrats that run government have brought you an almost $2 Trillion dollar budget deficit…and $100 Trillion in debt…almost double the world's GDP (all the money made in the world each year)…and despite the fact that government loses money in every department and every agency, at every level, every year since inception…and despite all that, you still think putting government in charge of 17% of the U.S. economy is a good idea…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you want to lower the cost of healthcare…but you won't support tort reform…even though lawyers, lawsuits, legal abuse, and defensive medicine combine to cost the healthcare system almost one trillion dollars a year…and you're a politician who collects millions in contributions from…drumroll please…LAWYERS…and you're a lawyer yourself…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you support a VAT tax just like socialist Europe…that puts a deadly tax on every product in America…at every level of production and purchase…on top of all our other state, federal and local taxes…even though America's free market, low tax economy has dominated Europe's for decades …YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you support CARD CHECK…that takes away the right of Americans to vote in private…and allows union goons with tatoos and baseball bats to intimidate employees while they are forced to vote publicly to unionize…and will turn all of America into one big Michigan…the union state with the highest unemployment in America…even though the Top 5 states with the most moving vans moving OUT are also the states with the most unionized workers…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you propose the biggest income tax increase in history on "the rich"…AND propose taking away deductions from "the rich" including charitable and mortgage deductions (that could wipe out the entire charitable and housing industries)…and also raise the capital gains taxes on "the rich"…and also take the cap off FICA taxes on "the rich"…and also bring back the death tax on "the rich”…and also propose adding universal health care surcharges on "the rich"…and possibly tax the health benefits of "the rich"… and also hit everyone in America with Cap & Trade taxes, but particularly "the rich" who own businesses and bigger homes and bigger cars…and you want to add a deadly new VAT tax on top of income taxes…and add sugar taxes…and CELL phone taxes…and let's not forget you want to add a new Botox tax on breast jobs, liposuction and nose jobs…all while taxpayers are being hit with higher state income taxes, higher state sales taxes and higher property taxes… all in the middle of a depression…and you think those tax increases are “reasonable and fair”…YOU ARE DEFINETLY A SOCIALIST.


If you call it a tax cut to give a welfare check to people who never paid any taxes in the first place…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you like the results of the Michigan economy run by unions…the first state to hit 15% unemployment and the first city, Detroit, to ever auction off homes for $100 and find no takers…or WORSE the California economy…a state that has spent itself into oblivion, insolvency and bankruptcy because it is run by government employee unions…and you actually want to use Michigan and California as the model for all of America…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think everyone should have a government job…and should belong to a government employees union…and get paid obscene salaries 70% higher than comparable jobs in the private sector…and receive bloated pensions for life…and receive benefits like free or highly subsidized health care for life…and a guaranteed job for life…and "merit pay" increases to keep them from leaving their government jobs…even though many of them are working at a government job precisely because no one in the private sector would ever even think of hiring them…and you think they should get all of these benefits for the right to sit at a desk for 25 years looking at their watch waiting for retirement at age 50…so they can collect a fat pension for the next 40 years without working…and then we have to hire a new government employee to replace them…and you want to pay for all that on the taxpayer's dime…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think school choice and charter schools and vouchers are bad…even though they have helped countless minority children trapped in failing hellholes called public schools…if you think public schools should have no competition…if you think rewarding good teachers with higher pay and firing bad teachers is a bad idea…if you think people have no right to decide how to use their own property tax money…to choose the best education possible for their children…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you think it's perfectly fine to appoint a Supreme Court justice for life, who thinks that a Latina woman can make better decisions from the bench than a white male simply because of the color of her skin…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.


If you think it’s okay that the Presidential limo now has a license plate that says “Workers of the World Unite”…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

If you're a Columbia University economics professor…and you believe any of the ideas above will actually help the economy…and you've ever given a student named Barack Obama an A in economics…YOU MAY BE A SOCIALIST.

And finally…the most important signal of all…In the 8th year of Obama’s Presidency, if you’re standing in line for toilet paper…YOU MIGHT HAVE A SOCIALIST PRESIDENT!

Ladies and Gentleman…I think it's safe to say that our country, our economy, our education system, and government itself is being run and ruined By SOCIALISTS, MARXISTS, FASCISTS, RADICALS, RACISTS, MORONS, AND RADICALS THAT LEARNED BASIC MATH IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL.

It's time to stand up…it's time to fight…it's time to put manners and politeness aside… it's time to offend…it's time to yell, scream, protest and get angry…it's time to take action…it's time to take back our country before there is no country or economy left to take back…before the American Dream is dead…before capitalism is destroyed…before our children are enslaved by big government and big taxes for generations to come…

It's time to loudly stand up and call a Socialist…a Socialist!

I believe that it is time for a CITIZEN REVOLUTION.

My name is Wayne Allyn Root. I am a S.O.B. (son of a butcher), small businessman, homeschool dad, capitalist evangelist, and citizen politician. My heroes are Thomas Jefferson, Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. I proudly call myself a "REAGAN LIBERTARIAN." I believe government is run by idiots who couldn't spell "CAT" if you gave them the C and T in advance. How do I know? Because the government of New York just declared BANRUPTCY for OTB (legal gambling parlors). Gambling is broke!!! And the federal government actually took over a legal brothel in my home state of Nevada and drove it into bankruptcy in less than a year. If you can't make money running a gambling operation or a whorehouse, YOU CAN'T RUN MY HEALTHCARE!!!

I'm spending every minute of my days trying to save this great country…save our economy…and save capitalism from the grasp of the Socialists now trying to destroy everything we've built, everything we hold dear as Americans. I hope you'll join me in the fight. God Bless all of you. And may God Bless America.

THE AUTHOR: Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. He is the author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” Wayne is the college classmate of President Barack Obama (Class of '83 Columbia University). Wayne knows a Socialist when he sees one- he spent 4 long years going to college with radical socialists and marxists who hated America and despised capitalism. Wayne witnessed his classmates celebrate and cheer for the death of Ronald Reagan when they heard he'd been shot in an assassination attempt.

Unfortunately, Wayne's socialist classmate became President and is actually getting a chance to wreck the capitalist system and destroy the American Dream. Wayne is leading the fight to stop him- along with millions of patriotic conservatives, capitalists, Libertarians, independents and Tea Party protestors across this great country.