By Wayne Allyn Root
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Way back in 2015, I asked in one of my nationally-syndicated columns, if Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts was being blackmailed?
I laid out the case. It seemed obvious to me that he was either being blackmailed, or bribed, or he was a fraud from day one- a Deep State, liberal plant disguised as a “conservative” put in place to vote the wrong way on key issues.
Because Justice Roberts always votes against us, against the obvious conservative decision, for most, if not all, of the important, life-or-death decisions that change this country’s direction.
Look at the record.
Roberts voted to protect and save the Obamacare disaster and scam- TWICE. That destroyed the entire healthcare system of the United States.
Roberts voted against asking about citizenship in the census; he voted against Texas being allowed to secure its own border with razor wire; he voted against Texas having standing to challenge the 2020 election; he just voted against the Trump administration’s attempt to withhold pay from USAID contractors- which of course, protects the Deep State’s fraud, waste, looting and abuse of taxpayers.
And now just a day ago, Roberts publicly rebuked and rejected President Trump’s desire to see an out-of-control federal judge impeached for trying to stop the deportation of illegal alien gangbangers who have committed the worst crimes in our country.
Roberts tried to intimidate Trump and fool the nation. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with the impeachment of a judge. Only Congress can decide that.
Again, I ask, “Who’s side is Roberts on?” Because he sure isn’t on the side of conservative patriots.
Again, I ask, “Is Justice John Roberts being blackmailed?”
Here is my column from 2015. Compare it to what’s happening today. Nothing has changed in a decade.
Was Supreme Court Justice Roberts Blackmailed?
By Wayne Allyn Root
It’s time to start asking the question. It’s time to be cynical. It’s time to assume the worst of this government. Has Supreme Court Justice Roberts been blackmailed or intimidated? I would put nothing by this Obama administration that lives and rules by the Chicago thug playbook.
Doubt me? On the same day that Justice Roberts provided the key vote to save Obamacare again…the IRS watchdog reported to Congress that the IRS purposely destroyed evidence of a crime.
Is the idea implausible that this same Obama administration that orders IRS attacks, then orders destruction of key evidence, would stop at nothing to save Obama’s signature achievement (Obamacare)?
Is it impossible to believe that Obama and his socialist cabal that learned from Saul Alinsky that “the ends justify the means” would hold something over a Supreme Court Justice’s head to save Obamacare?
It’s time to ask the question loudly and boldly because something is clearly wrong in Washington DC.
Is that the purpose of government agencies like the IRS and NSA- to listen to us…to watch us…to find something we’ve done wrong…and then use it to intimidate, harass, threaten, or extort key political figures, so that Obama can “fundamentally change America?”
Because something clearly smells rotten in Washington, D.C. Like “the mafia delivering a dead fish to your door” rotten.
Justice Roberts was appointed by President Bush to become the key conservative vote in important decisions that affect “the fundamental transformation of America.” Justice Roberts clearly was born, raised and groomed for one job in life- to join that Supreme Court, strike down Obamacare, protect the Constitution, and end Obama’s big government overreach.
Yet Roberts is the man responsible for saving Obamacare-twice. His legacy will be that he protected big government, supported government overreach, wrecked healthcare, and helped to hasten the fundamental transformation of America.
This doesn’t seem odd to you? Doesn’t something smell rotten?
I have felt the same way about Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for years now. Something is wrong. All it takes to destroy America and pass Obama’s agenda is to control a few key powerful positions in DC. And all it would take to do that is blackmail. Find out the weak link of a key political leader or government official and hold it over their heads.
Am I being too cynical? Really? Did you think former House Speaker Dennis Hastert might be a child molester who had gay sex with underage boys? See:
Because Hastert sure had everyone fooled. He looked like a choir boy. But he clearly did something terrible that forced him to agree to pay $1 million dollars in blackmail. And it’s odd that the government knew about it. How did they know to question him about taking $1 million of his own money, out of his own bank account?
Maybe they know everything.
What makes anyone think the government and its 3-letter agencies (IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA) don’t know everything bad about everyone in key positions in DC? What makes you think that blackmail isn’t happening every day to conservative politicians- except it’s the government doing the blackmailing?
You know…the same government that asked the IRS to target key critics of President Obama (like me) and then ordered the IRS to destroy the evidence.
Just a guess, but here’s how I think it goes.
I think they offer a carrot and stick to key politicians or judges like John Boehner or Justice Roberts. They threaten to expose something terrible- like an affair, or corruption, or immorality that would shock the nation, ruin your career, destroy your legacy, destroy your marriage, destroy your relationship with your children and leave you unemployable after you are forced to resign. That’s what’s behind “Door number one.”
Or if you see the light and vote our way, you get to continue playing big shot, your legacy is untouched, your family loves you, you get to stay in office, and you retire someday to a $5 million per year lobbying job (like Dennis Hastert). That’s what’s behind “Door number two.”
Which would you choose?
Trust me- those options are being offered every day by the Obama Crime Family to key political figures in DC. Republicans are being blackmailed, intimidated, extorted and bribed. That explains Justice Roberts and the Supremes ruling against us- AGAIN. That explains why we keep winning elections, yet we keep gaining nothing and losing everything. It’s all been fixed.
The Obama Crime Family is in charge.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, businessman, best-selling author, and national conservative TV and radio host who has interviewed President Trump 16 times. Watch Wayne’s TV show “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV at Noon ET on Saturdays and his video podcast “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” at Untamed and daily from 6 PM to 8 PM ET daily. His web site is Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages. The joke is on Democrats!