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Trump, Congress Gain New Advocates for Tax and Economic

WASHINGTON, March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A group of influential economists, entrepreneurs, and academics announced today the formation of the Private Economic Council, an organization that will advocate for small businesses and taxpayers in consultation with the Trump administration and Congress. These are high-profile supporters who will use their respective platforms as influencers to help President Trump and the GOP majority deliver for the American people.

“This is a pivotal moment in American history, and the decisions our leaders make in the coming months and years will influence the lives of the American people for generations,” said renowned economist Steve Moore. “For the first time in our lives, we have a chance to enact meaningful spending cuts, permanently reduce taxes for working Americans, and take the federal government’s thumb off the scale of our economy.”

Members of the Private Economic Council will work together to advocate for policies that expand economic freedom, incentivize growth, and reduce the burden of government on workers and business owners alike. In addition to weighing in on hot-button topics, they will propose additional policy innovations designed to advance their shared goals of economic freedom and prosperity.

“There is a genuine appetite for change in Washington right now, but we need to move quickly and decisively before this window of opportunity closes,” said Julio Gonzalez, founder and CEO of Engineered Tax Services.

“I’m pleased to be a part of this group,” said Barry Habib, a longtime entrepreneur who currently serves as CEO of MBS Highway. “We will work hard to make improvements and increase economic growth.”

“I’m proud to be a S.O.B. (son of a butcher). Only in America can sons of butchers become successful,” said Wayne Allyn Root. “This is the land of opportunity — but only because of capitalism, limited government, and low taxation and regulation. I am honored to join this prestigious group to help keep it that way.”

“Corporations spend millions of dollars on lobbyists to make sure elected officials are aware of their interests; we’re going to make sure Congress knows just as much about the interests of the workers and small business owners who are the real engine of our economy,” said Papa John’s founder John Schnatter.

About the Private Economic Council

Steve Moore is a Senior Visiting Fellow in Economics at The Heritage Foundation. He is the founder and former president of the Club for Growth, and a former member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board. He served as a senior economic advisor to President Trump’s 2016 campaign, helping create the blueprints for the policies that unleashed a historic era of prosperity, including the Trump tax cuts.

Dave Brat is a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia who won his first term in office after defeating sitting House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in the primary election. He currently serves as Dean of the Liberty University School of Business.

Barry Habib is an award-winning economist and entrepreneur who is widely credited with saving the mortgage industry from margin calls by persuading the Federal Reserve to avoid actions that could have created severe instability during the COVID pandemic in 2020. He has been a longtime contributor to both Fox News and CNBC.

Julio Gonzalez is the founder and CEO of Engineered Tax Services, the country’s largest specialty tax engineering firm. Julio helps small and mid-sized businesses take advantage of the same tax loopholes used by major corporations, and is a tireless advocate for small businesses.

Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, businessman, best-selling author, and national conservative TV and radio host who has interviewed President Trump 16 times. He is also a nationally syndicated columnist who helped originate and popularize some of President Trump’s most popular campaign promises, such as “No Tax on Social Security benefits” and “No taxes on overtime.” Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice-Presidential nominee.

John Schnatter is the founder of Papa John’s International, which he started in a broom closet and grew into one of the largest pizza chains in the world. He is a prolific philanthropist and outspoken advocate for entrepreneurs.