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Is the New York Times Guilty of Attempted Murder?

By December 2, 2014No Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root

The New York Times recently published the home address of Police Officer Darren Wilson and his pregnant police officer wife. Once they were publicly ridiculed for this reckless action, the paper took down the story, but inexplicably left up the name of Darren Wilson’s street address.

Is the New York Times trying to incite murder? How could any respectable journalist publish the address of a police officer, knowing there are thousands of violent criminals who’d like to kill him? Why would a newspaper purposely make Officer Wilson a “marked man?” If someone kills Officer Wilson or his pregnant police officer wife…or mistakenly kills an entire family living in the home next door…isn’t the New York Times liable? Isn’t this a billion dollar lawsuit? Have liberals lost their minds (and their judgement)?

This time they’ve gone too far. And it’s time to teach our friends at the New York Times a lesson- because this type of reckless, dangerous behavior by the media cannot go unpunished. I think I have the answer. A three-pronged attack is necessary to insure this never happens again.

First, Officer Wilson and his new wife should announce a billion dollar lawsuit against the New York Times. That will send a strong message. Don’t wait for someone to get killed. That’s murder. But in this case, the New York Times is inciting attempted murder. They need to be punished now- before something very bad happens. Let all of the liberal media be put on notice. If you play with fire, you will get burned. Hit ’em where it hurts- in the wallet. If all goes well in court, Police Officer Wilson could wind up owing the “old grey lady.”

Second, we need laws in the states of New York and Missouri to prevent this terrible situation from every happening again. In California it is a crime for anyone (media or otherwise) to publicly print the home address of a police officer. But it’s not a crime in New York or Missouri- yet. This has to change, before someone gets killed. If this horrible breach of ethics occurred on California soil, the two New York Times reporters, their editor and publisher would be “perp walked” out of the newspaper building in handcuffs. That should be happening right now in New York.

Third, isn’t what’s good for the goose, good for the gander? Isn’t turnaround fair play? Suppose a team of angry police detectives decides to do a little research and they print the home address of the Times reporters and entire executive team of the New York Times. What would the New York Times think about that? Some would say it’s “fair play” for the hunters to become the hunted.

Maybe it would do the staff of the New York Times some good to feel the same pain and fear as Police Officer Darren Wilson and his pregnant wife. Remember a grand jury of his peers looked at all the evidence (for many months) and decided Officer Wilson was an innocent man, acting in self-defense. They were given four charges to contemplate.

The grand jury could have chosen any of them- including the lowest level of criminal charges. This jury of Ferguson citizens (three of them African American) knew if they chose no charges they could wind up starting a riot that would burn down their own town. They knew they themselves could become marked men and women. Yet they still chose no charges. It was that clear to them that Officer Wilson was an innocent man. 100% innocent. They couldn’t live with themselves if they charged an innocent man with murder, in order to satisfy the lynch mob waiting outside the courthouse.

et into this fray dropped the New York Times. Has the New York Times become judge, jury and executioner? Is it the media’s role to incite mob violence?

“The old grey lady” has stepped over a line. Either the people running the New York Times are reckless…mentally unstable…or liberals have decided it’s “fair” to incite lynch mobs to maim, murder or burn down the home of innocent police officers involved in race-based shootings.

Either way, the New York Times obviously needs a change of ownership. Officer Darren Wilson is now retired and looking for a new career. My hope is that we are still a nation of laws, not of mob violence. If so, I’m rooting for a court of law to make Darren Wilson the new owner/publisher of the New York Times.

Oh and Darren…if you’re looking for a Executive Editor…you know where to find me.