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By Wayne Allyn Root

Why doubt me now? My track record is the best in media history. I’m batting close to 1000%. Here are just a few of my recent hits…

*On 12/24/21 I predicted the great Donald J. Trump comeback. When no one else thought he had a chance, I predicted Trump would steamroll the 2024 GOP nomination and become the favorite for President. At that time Trump had a fan club of one- me!

*Since the first Alvin Bragg indictment of Trump, I’ve predicted each indictment and conviction would make him stronger.

*For 2 years I’ve been predicting and warning Biden would be forced out before the convention.

*For weeks, I warned President Trump should not debate Biden in June, simply because Biden would never be the nominee come September.

*I warned Democrats planned the earliest debate in history to expose Biden as brain-dead and force him to drop out of the race.

*For weeks I predicted JD Vance as Trump’s pick for VP.

*I’ve predicted for months the Deep State would try to assassinate President Trump if all the indictments, trials and 34 felony convictions didn’t work.

My record is uncanny. That’s why I just don’t believe Democrats are dumb, delusional and clueless enough to make Kamala Harris their nominee. I think it’s all a head fake.

Here’s why…

Kamala is “the new Walter Mondale.” She is the worst candidate in US political history.

She has already proven herself the worst candidate in 2020. In a terribly weak field, she dropped out before getting a single delegate. As the only black candidate, she couldn’t get any black support in the Democrat primary. That’s really saying something.

Then she topped that performance by becoming the most mocked and despised Vice President in history. She was consistently more unpopular than her boss Joe Biden. And that’s a nearly impossible achievement.

She’s in the running with Dan Quayle as the most unpopular VP since the 1800s.

She is the border czar who never went to the border, and never did anything about the border. She is personally responsible for the wave of innocent American women and young girls who have been raped and murdered by the illegal alien invaders.

She is clearly dumber than a box of rocks. Her speaking ability is worse than her boss- who is literally brain-dead with dementia.

She is mocked for her early years when she gained political power as the girlfriend and lover of older married men- including Willie Brown. She’d be laughed off the world stage negotiating with macho men like Putin or Xi.

And I haven’t even gotten to the two worst weaknesses of Kamala…

As VP she was close to Biden for four long years. She is guilty of fraud versus the American people, by covering up Biden’s failing mental competency.

And she was VP and partner for the worst president in history. Biden’s policies on the border, inflation, green energy, crime, DEI, transgender brainwashing, and allowing boys to play in girls’ sports are all terrible failures and overwhelmingly unpopular. She defended all of them.

Trying to claim Kamala is their best shot is like that old saying- “Democrats are putting lipstick on a pig.” They have -0- chance with Kamala. Zero. Zip, Zilch, Nada.

I’m rooting for Kamala. I pray she is the candidate. And of course, it certainly looks like she has it won. She has the endorsement of Biden, George Soros’s son, unions and all 50 Democrat state chairs. It’s over, right? Kamala is “the one.”

Except, Obama is in charge. 

Obama and his radical Marxist cabal are cunning, evil and corrupt. They know Kamala can’t win.

What do they have in mind? 

Biden appears to be fading fast. He could resign as president any day now, or he might even be dying. That would make Kamala the incumbent President of the United States. And the first female president in history. Maybe that’s an option. That might create enough excitement to cover-up Kamala’s weaknesses.

Or they could add Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as VP to create an all-female ticket.

Or more likely, they might be planning right now how to dump Kamala and pick a fresh face with no negatives at the convention.

Or Gavin and Hillary might be hanging around to try their luck at an open convention.

I’m sure RFK Jr and Senator Joe Manchin think they’re the answer.

But I can’t help thinking Michelle Obama is still the plan.

As I’ve predicted for two years now- I believe she’s always been the plan. There are three “tells.”

First, the Obamas did not endorse Kamala over the weekend.

Second, there are reports many of the biggest Democrat biggest donors were at Obama’s DC mansion over the weekend. Obama is plotting something.

Third, why is the convention in Chicago? I believe they’ve always planned on coronating Michelle at the last second in her hometown as an emergency backup plan.

Trust me, Obama, Democrats and the Deep State aren’t stupid. I’ve been predicting for two years now that they have to replace both Biden and Kamala for any chance to win. They just forced Joe out. My gut says they’re cooking up a plan to replace Kamala too.

Or maybe, it doesn’t really matter much to them who the candidate is. Maybe what they’re plotting is chaos and crisis for this Fall. They need America distracted by a new pandemic; anarchy in the streets; WW3 starting; and/or terror attacks. They just need enough crisis and a candidate to keep the polls close enough, so they can steal the election with 20 million illegal alien voters and fake mail-in ballots.

But in the end, I’m still betting that candidate is Michelle. And if not Michelle, it’s anyone but Kamala.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.