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This is not your father’s Democrat Party. These people are certified insane. Either that, or they’re all hardcore, radical, socialists and communists, hell bent on turning America into Cuba, Greece, or Venezuela. I believe it’s a combination of both.

Every move Biden and his socialist/communist cabal makes takes us one step closer to the destruction of the greatest country and economy in the history of civilization.

John F Kennedy would never be accepted in today’s Democrat Party. JFK believed in all the same things as I do- he was pro- business; supported lower taxes; believed in strong borders, loved the military (he was a war hero); and most of all, JFK hated communists (he was willing to risk WWIII with the Cuban Missile Crisis to prevent communists from building a military foothold near America’s borders).

JFK is rolling over in his grave. The communists he fought are now running today’s Democrat Party. By the standards of today, JFK is clearly a Republican.

Read More: Meet the New President of the United States…Barack Obama

By those same standards of today, United States Senator Manchin is a Republican too. Joe Manchin represents 100% God-fearing, conservative values, anti-open borders, pro-fossil fuel, coal country, West Virginia. Today’s Democrat Party has passed Joe by, and it no longer represents his constituents.

Joe Manchin is a reasonable, moderate, pro-business, blue dog, Southern Democrat. West Virginia Joe has to be sick to his stomach watching Joe Biden and the Democrats open the borders; turn the whole country into a “Sanctuary” for illegal aliens; let the whole world in to take away American jobs; kill coal and destroy America’s global energy dominance.

Senator Manchin, don’t you find it insulting, bizarre and tragic that Biden calls states that re-open their economies “reckless” and “Neanderthal” at the exact same time Biden opens the borders during a pandemic, invites illegals carrying Covid and other third world diseases in, and drops them off- even the sick ones- at bus stations inside the USA.

Who’s the real super-spreader? It’s not Texas, it’s Biden.

It sure seems like Biden and the Democrat Party are trying to kill middle class Americans, doesn’t it? Who would encourage sick foreigners during a pandemic to come to America and risk killing our citizens?

Is this what you stand for Joe? Is this what your West Virginia constituents stand for? You think they want to see every coal mine and coal plant shut down in the name of “global warming” while China builds hundreds of new coal plants?

You think your voters want transgender men playing women’s sports? You think your voters want boys who think they’re girls in bathrooms and locker rooms with their daughters?

Here’s what I think. I think Joe Manchin is scared to death. He knows he’s in bed with crazy people. He knows he’s surrounded by communists, socialists, economic suicide bombers, and racists who hate rural white people from places like West Virginia.

But I have the solution to save America, the people of West Virginia and Joe Manchin’s career. It’s a win-win for everyone!

“Flip Joe Manchin and we flip the world.”

Senator Joe Manchin needs to flip to Republican. Now. Today. The Senate instantly goes from a 50-50 split to 51-49 GOP. Biden is blocked. Kamala Harris’s vote becomes meaningless.

We instantly save America. We instantly save the US energy industry. We save millions of US jobs. We instantly checkmate the entire crazy, communist Biden agenda. We instantly change the course of history.

With that one simple move, Joe Manchin becomes the most famous, powerful and beloved politician in America. Sure, Democrats hate you Joe. But who cares? You only answer to the conservative and Christian people of West Virginia. They’ll make you into a folk hero. And 75 million Trump voters will build you a statue next to George Washington, Abe Lincoln and JFK.

Joe Manchin can change the course of history. He will single-handedly stop the socialist-Marxist-transgender takeover of America. In the bargain, Joe Manchin saves his own people of West Virginia.

Here’s your chance Joe. Find the courage. You will go down in history as the man who saved America and changed the course of history. We will never forget.

Read More: The Communist Takeover of the United States- Part II

Wayne Allyn Root is the author of the new #1 national bestselling book, “TRUMP RULES.” Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur and host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. To find out more about Wayne Allyn Root and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at