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By February 14, 2014No Comments
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As published at TheBlaze on 2/14/14


By Wayne Allyn Root


In my latest book, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide” released in Spring 2013, I called Obama a “stealth Marxist” out to destroy capitalism and make Americans dependent on government. This wasn’t just guesswork. Obama and I were classmates at Columbia University, where we were taught how to overwhelm the system until the economy collapses with spending, debt, and entitlements. In my book, I called Obamacare the perfect “Trojan Horse” that would make it all happen.


Have you paid attention to the Obama news of the past week? It’s amazing. It’s mind-boggling. It’s unimaginable. It was a week of unimaginable destruction.


The cloak is off. Obama is no longer hiding his plans to destroy America. For anyone who isn’t blind, deaf or very dumb, it’s now all out in the open.


The news of this past week proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Obama is accelerating the destruction of America. Why the sudden rush?  Obama and his Marxist cabal see the writing on the wall. Their internal polls show they are headed for a landslide defeat in November. Now that the disastrous effects of Obamacare are clear for the voters to see, they know Democrats are about to be destroyed at the polls.


Knowing Democrats can no longer get elected, or re-elected, Obama has decided to go it alone. Without regard for the law, the Constitution, or the American people he (and those pulling his strings behind the scenes) have obviously decided to do the most damage possible to America during his final three years. He’s finally taken off the mask and shown himself to be the true communist tyrant he is.


Look at the facts.


This week the non-partisan CBO finally reported the truth – Obamacare is the perfect job-killing machine. Millions have already been downsized from full-time to part-time work and now we know from the CBO that an additional 2.3 million jobs will be eliminated. As I predicted from day one, this is exactly what Obamacare was intended to do- destroy the middle class and make us all dependent on government checks to survive.


Obama’s Kool-Aid drinking supporters are so far in the tank that when the CBO courageously pointed out that Obamacare makes it less likely millions of Americans will want to work, they called it “choice.” Obama’s propagandists painted it a wonderful development. But letting middle class wage earners and small businesses pay for all those who want to be freed from the need to work, so they can enjoy their free time and pursue their hobbies isn’t “choice.” It’s theft.


Folks, it is time to stop treading lightly and being politically correct. Let’s call it what it is. This is communism, pure and simple. Anyone who thinks “the American Dream” is to choose to stay home, not work, and collect a government check is reading directly from Karl Marx. Anyone who thinks some people (who vote 100% Democrat) should have a “choice” not to work, by stealing the money of others, is reading directly from “the Communist Manifesto.”


Personally, I think “choice” is great. You can choose to not work anytime you want. But if you need to steal my money to do it, that’s called theft, not choice. Middle class wage earners are being ripped off to pay for free-loaders. That means middle class people are having their “choices” taken away from them. I guess in Obama’s playbook one man’s choice is another man’s slavery.


But, that was only the start of the week. Next Obama illegally re-wrote his own Obamacare law- again.  Mimicking the traits of communist dictators and tin pot tyrants, Obama obviously believes he can change any law he wants, at any given hour, of any given day. One of the main chapters of my book was titled: “America the Banana Republic.” Just this week Charles Krauthammer said what’s happening under Obama “is the stuff you do in a banana republic.”  Welcome to the club Charles. It’s nice to see D.C. establishment Republicans are finally seeing the light.


In America it’s a violation of the Constitution for the President to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and decide to make, arbitrarily change, or break laws. This is the behavior of Fidel Castro, or the late tyrant Hugo Chavez.


But wait, it gets far worse. As part of the new illegal Obamacare directive to postpone the law for businesses with 50 to 99 employees, Obama put the IRS in direct control of critical U.S. business decisions. He demanded that businesses must “justify” hiring and firing decisions to the IRS to qualify for the exemption. Plain and simple, putting government in charge of the decisions of a private business is the very foundation of communism. It is how communist economies like North Korea, Cuba, the old Soviet Union, and East Germany have always been run.


Still, Obama wasn’t done. To show his total distain for Congress and the American people he unilaterally loosened the rules for citizenship to allow foreigners with only a “minor” connection to terrorism to become citizens. Dennis Miller once said on Monday Night Football, “there is no such thing as a minor groin injury.” Well there is no such thing as a “minor” terrorist either.


Why is our President desperate to open the borders and let in “minor” terrorists? It’s not like we have a surplus of jobs. What is the pressing need in a country with 92 million unemployed working-age Americans? Has corporate America put out an emergency request for “minor” terrorist employees? Or is this how Obama creates instant Democratic voters?


Much along the same lines, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder announced this week how “unjust” it is to not allow felons to vote.

No Mr. Attorney General, the only thing “unjust” was the crimes these felons committed. What’s the emergency here? Is there a shortage of Democratic voters? Obama’s game plan is clearly to combine felons with radical Muslim terrorists in order to guarantee Democrat dominance for years to come.


This was just one week in America. The evil and terrible news is coming in waves. And it’s all coming from one man. A man no longer hiding the fact that he is a tyrant, dictator, communist, and hater of America, capitalism and Judeo Christian values.


Obama no longer cares to hide his radical Marxist ideology. It’s now clear it’s “pedal to the metal” towards the destruction of America.


The question is…Who will stop him?