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By Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t want to say, “I told you so,” but I told you so.

In June of 2023, I wrote a commentary recommending President Trump name Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to a Cabinet position and bring him onto Team Trump to campaign across the country – to change Democrat and independent minds. And to change Trump’s image dramatically.

Read It Here

I recommended back then that Trump name RFK Jr. to head up either HHS, FDA, NIH, or become a Special Counselor to investigate Big Pharma and the Covid vaccine scandal (among many other Big Pharma and vaccine scandals). Don’t look now, but it’s all come to pass.

Although I now have a more perfect role for RFK: “Health Czar.”

Remarkably, RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Trump has changed everything.

First comes the obvious – the votes. RFK Jr. has tipped this election to Trump in all the battleground states. The latest polls are out – they show RFK Jr. voters breaking in large percentages for Trump. This gives Trump a 1 to 2-point bump in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina. And that’s the whole ballgame.

That’s why Democrats are panicking. Their goose is cooked.

Second, across the country, the famous Kennedy name endorsing and campaigning for Trump gives Democrat voters “permission” or “cover” to vote for Trump.

Days after RFK Jr.’s endorsement, former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard officially endorsed Trump. Many more Democrats will follow.

Even lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowitz is seriously considering voting for Trump. Dershowitz was my guest on my nationally syndicated radio show on Talk Media Network on Monday. I argued that Democrats’ abandonment of Israel, combined with RFK Jr.’s switch to Trump, should be enough to convince Dershowitz and many Jewish voters to back Trump.

Here was Dershowitz’s response to my lobbying for President Trump…

“Wayne, you’re making a strong argument for why people with my values should be voting for President Trump. You’re a very persuasive guy.”

If Dershowitz is any indicator, Trump will get the highest Jewish vote totals of any Republican in modern history. 

A recent poll in New York showed Trump beating Kamala 51% to 49% among Jewish New Yorkers. That was before RFK Jr.’s switch to Trump.

Third, this all makes perfect sense. RFK Jr.’s uncle President John F. Kennedy was pro-business, a huge tax cutter, and hated communists (like Comrade Commie Kamala). If JFK were alive today, he’d be a strong Trump Republican.

Fourth, RFK Jr. joining Team Trump has completely changed, updated and revolutionized the key issues of the GOP and of this presidential campaign. The stodgy old GOP was about tax cuts.

With RFK Jr. this election is now about the most important issues of our day: fighting and disassembling the Deep State; protecting free speech; fighting censorship and the weaponization of government; open borders destroying the great American middle class; wasting hundreds of billions on foreign aid to Ukraine; and HEALTH FREEDOM!

I’ve been arguing for four long years that while President Trump has been pro-vaccine, he never mandated the Covid jab and never will. Because of that, he was and is a breath of fresh air, and dramatically better than any Democrat.

Many conservatives disagreed with me. They blamed Trump for the Covid vaccine failures. I predicted Trump would eventually change his views on the vaccine – because he listens. And of course, because the same people who rigged the election, covered up Hunter Biden’s laptop, and have lied about it for the past four years, were the exact same people behind the vaccine, the vaccine lies and the cover-up.

This is all about gaslighting by Democrats and the Deep State. 

Did you hear the latest? First, Trump announced he would never, ever mandate the vaccine. Bravo.

Then he announced he will reinstate all members of the military who were forced out for refusing to take the vaccine – with BACK PAY! Bravo.

Then he teamed up with RFK Jr. – America’s leading proponent of health freedom and crusader against vaccine injuries. Bravo.

Then Trump announced he will appoint RFK Jr. to head up an investigation into why children in America are so sick. Bravo.

And then it was disclosed Trump met privately with a group of vaccine injured citizens. After hearing their stories Trump said, “I hear you, I heard you, and tell your people I hear them.”

Just as I predicted, President Trump’s views on Big Pharma, and the Covid vaccine have evolved and changed for the better. President Trump listens.

Compare that to Kamala Harris, who is forcing every campaign employee to take every up-to-date Covid vaccine, or be fired.

And never forget she picked Tim Walz as her VP – a man who ordered the Minnesota National Guard to drive around Minneapolis shooting citizens on their porches with paintballs for the “crime” of being outside during the Covid lockdown.

Walz also announced days ago he believes there is no guarantee for free speech in America.

With Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook just admitting to the world he regrets caving to pressure from the Biden-Harris regime to censor health freedom advocates and vaccine skeptics, this is now a defining moment in America’s political history. And Trump is on the right side of history with RFK Jr.

RFK’s endorsement has changed everything.

Now let’s hope and pray the team of Trump and RFK Jr. can win, save free speech, stop government censorship and propaganda; make America great again, and…

“Make America Healthy Again.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to