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OBAMA HAS DECLARED WAR ON SMALL BUSINESS: The Real Story of Why Obama Hates Self-Made Entrepreneurs From Obama’s College Classmate and The Only Small Businessman to Run for President in Modern History

By March 3, 2009No Comments
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As the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate, I am the first and only small businessman to run on a Presidential ticket in modern American political history. I hope to be the Libertarian Presidential candidate in 2012. No other politician in America bridges the two worlds of politics and small business. I believe Barack Obama has declared WAR on small business and entrepreneurship with his plans to dramatically increase taxes and (perhaps worse) eliminate deductions for successful Americans. More importantly, I know Barack Obama’s type. No one in American politics, today, better understands his motivations to damage and destroy small business owners and entrepreneurs. You see, Obama was my classmate at Columbia University (Class of ’83). Today virtually all my Columbia classmates are in three fields- law, politics or the media. Let me relate a telling and shocking story about this group, that goes a long way toward explaining Obama’s motivations. By the way, this group proves that just because you are book-smart, doesn’t mean you are smart.

Back in 1981, I was sitting in my Political Science class at Columbia University when my classmates heard the first reports that President Ronald Reagan (my hero) had been shot. I immediately witnessed the most revolting, disgusting, disgraceful response to that news imaginable- my classmates cheered, high-fived, hugged and screamed in joy. They pumped clenched fist into the air. They screamed in celebration, “YES, Reagan is dead!” These are the people now running our country. These are the people now running the media- deciding the news you get to see, hear and read. The same type people are running the Obama administration. Perhaps more than the same type, my educated guess is these are the ACTUAL people from my Columbia political science class that day. I’m certain many of Obama’s Columbia University and Harvard Law School classmates became lifelong friends with him- after all, their joy at my beloved hero Ronald Reagan’s possible death that day, confirms a shared common love of socialism and hatred towards capitalism, capitalists, entrepreneurs, and any politician that dares to champion free enterprise/democracy. I’d actually call it a sickness or mental illness. None of these people are self-made and they are angry, bitter and resentful of those who are. Consequently, they are on a lifelong vendetta to damage or destroy self-made Americans; to literally tax us to death; to take away our economic freedom; to purge self-made entrepreneurs out of society.

These Obama types have always worked for others (government, community activist groups, big corporate bureaucracies). They can’t stand the thought that we work for ourselves and as a result of our courageous risks, actually make more money than they do. They can’t stand our economic freedom. They hate that we make our own decisions, without government control or authority ruling our lives.

These Obama types hate, despise, want to destroy anyone that has the audacity to want to make money…or worse (in their minds), the audacity to think they should keep more of their own money. This group thinks our hard-earned money is their money. They want our money so they can use it to fund their liberal and socialist pet projects; to pursue social engineering (redistributing wealth to create “equality” and overcome what they perceive as racism); and to quite simply bribe their loyal supporters and voters (anyone who works for government, or expects government handouts). Obama’s book should have been called “The Audacity of Class Warfare.”

Obama and his friends have a chip on their shoulders. They’ve never funded, started or run a business. They’ve never created jobs. They are not self-made. They have no understanding of entrepreneurship. We are not in their group. We are not in their clique. We are not their friends. We are certainly not their supporters. Why should Obama care if he legislates, regulates or taxes us out of existence- we didn’t vote for him, we didn’t support him, and we certainly didn’t contribute to him or his liberal causes. In Obama’s liberal caste order, we are the “untouchables.” We are therefore expendable. So he creates economic policy to destroy us. It’s a Triple Crown for Obama. First he gets to punish us for the crime of being self-made, while he’s not. That makes him and all his liberal friends feel good. They’ve won. We’ve lost. Second, he gets to use our tax money to bribe his voters (who don’t own businesses, and who expect government to provide either jobs or handouts from cradle to grave). Third is the biggest bonus of all- by taxing us to death, he deprives the small business owners and entrepreneurs of the money we need to fund his political opponents. Brilliant.

It’s pretty simple. There is now a WAR between Obama’s vision of big government (government programs, government employees, and those who expect government entitlements) and anyone in the private sector. It’s a war we must fight with every last dollar and every last ounce of energy we have. It is a fight for our very economic survival. It is a war we must win at any and all costs to save capitalism, free markets, America, and the American Way of life. It took me 30 years of hard work, commitment, tenacity, relentlessness and creativity to achieve “overnight success.” Obama is trying to ruin everything I’ve accomplished and built in 4 short years. I won’t let him. I will fight him day and night. I will fight him every step of the way. As Winston Churchill once said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” All small businessmen and women and entrepreneurs are in hell right now. It is Obama’s hell. I will not rest until I take back my country from this assault on the heroes of American business.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book will be released by John Wiley & Sons this Spring entitled, “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” The book is available for pre-sale at For more of Wayne’s views, commentaries, or to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at: