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By August 5, 2011No Comments
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Barack Obama is my college classmate (Columbia University Class of ’83). I tried to warn the country that virtually all of my classmates and professors were Marxist or socialist, despised America, and wanted to bring down capitalism. I tried to warn the country that Obama would follow the detailed plan of two Columbia professors named Cloward and Piven- a plan designed to damage or destroy capitalism by overwhelming the U.S. economy with government spending, regulations, entitlements, taxes and debt.

That is precisely why I authored what became one of the most popular commentaries on the entire Internet in 2010 entitled “The Obama Economic Plan- Purposely Overwhelming the System to Cause Crisis and Destroy Capitalism.” I predicted Obama’s radical tax and spend policies were designed to crash the system with debt, bring us to our knees, starve business owners (the biggest contributors to his political opposition), make us all doubt capitalism, and dependent on big government. It’s all come to pass. Now for the first time in history, the USA has been stripped of its AAA credit rating.

I’ve written about this Obama plan for 2 ½ years now. My commentaries have predicted the destruction of the U.S. economy under Barack Obama, the decimation of small business and the middle class, and the start of not only the Obama Great Depression, but what I called “the Greatest Depression ever.”

Afterall when the first Great Depression began in 1929, our country was not already saddled with $100 trillion in debt. We had no obligations for welfare, food stamps, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid. We had no illegal immigrants overwhelming the budgets of our public schools and healthcare system. We didn’t have 21 million government employees with bloated salaries and unfunded $100,000 pensions. We had no Obamacare with an obligation to pay for the medical bills of every American.

Back in 1929, we also had a nation filled with hard-working citizens who believed in personal initiative and personal responsibility. All of that has changed dramatically (for the worse). Those modern government programs, entitlements and obligations add up to national catastrophe as we enter this new Obama Great Depression.

I wrote the commentary entitled “Obama The Great Jobs Killer.” Time magazine quoted my line “Obama has killed so many jobs, he should be on top of the FBI’s Most Wanted List.” That was well over a year ago. What is happening today makes the economy and unemployment picture back then look like child’s play.

I wrote “Obamageddon” a year ago about the wreckage of the U.S. economy from sea to shining sea. Today that wreckage is larger than even I imagined back then. Now our AAA credit rating is gone.

I wrote “The Unraveling of a Ponzi Scheme,” “Obama- the Marxist in the Mirror,” and “The Obama War Against Small Business.” All of them had a common theme- Obama’s goal was to target, demonize and punish the wealthy and small business owners- the very groups that pay all the taxes and create all the jobs. I predicted that the result would be economic crisis and collapse.

I wrote “The Strike- Why the Rich are Going on Strike Against Obama.” I predicted that as a result of Obama’s rhetoric and policies targeting, demonizing and punishing the rich, America’s job creators were going on strike. I predicted the economic decline would accelerate because business owners would stop producing and stop hiring, in response to being punished for their success. Each day these predictions are confirmed by alarming new economic and unemployment reports.

I wrote that Obama’s debt rampage wasn’t just suicide for Obama’s political career. It would bring us all down in a murder/suicide. The entire U.S. economy would come down upon not only taxpayers today, but our children and grandchildren for decades to come. And now along comes the humiliating credit downgrade of our once proud nation.

I wrote a commentary many months ago entitled “The Greatest Depression of All Time Has Begun.” And so it has.

Obama has ruined this economy from sea to shining sea. From the Gulf Coast economy, to the Florida Space Coast economy. From small business, to WalMart, whose most recent sales show a dramatic and frightening slowdown in customer traffic. From a complete real estate collapse, to now a complete stock market meltdown. It’s all crashing down upon us.

It’s true that the odds of Obama’s re-election just went down in a ball of flames, along with the Dow Jones Industrial Average. But no matter- Obama has accomplished his goal. He has taken down the entire U.S. economy with him. He has trashed the political opposition- small business owners who fund conservative candidates and causes. He has overseen the decimation of the middle class homeowners and stock owners who vote conservative. He has left retirees with few assets- houses worthless, retirement accounts decimated, bank savings eroded by massive inflation. He has made 50 states into welfare queens begging for bailouts from the federal government. This is the definition of “overwhelmed,” right out of the playbook of Cloward and Piven.

Obama has left in his wake a U.S. economy in ruins. He has turned the American Dream into a nightmare. He has convinced many Americans that government feels their pain, even though it is government that caused it. He has enslaved us all under an avalanche of debt so massive it’s unimaginable, and of course unsustainable. Now he has ruined the credit rating of the greatest nation on earth. Obama has turned hope into a 4 letter word.

Congratulations Mr. Obama. Mission Accomplished.