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Obama’s LBJ Moment

By May 10, 2012No Comments

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By Wayne Allyn Root


Tuesday was a very, very, bad day for President Obama — perhaps one of the darkest days in Presidential history. And, as usual, the biased mainstream media is nowhere to be found.


Obama had not one, but two Lyndon Johnson moments. Two signs so devastating that he ought to consider dropping out of the 2012 Presidential race. Obama’s situation was summed up by comedian Jimmy Kimmel who recently joked “There is a term for Obama. Not two terms. Just one term.”


Obama’s first LBJ moment occurred Tuesday in the West Virginia Democratic Presidential primary. Obama squeaked out a 59% to 41% victory.  You might ask, “Who got the 41%? I didn’t know Obama had an opponent for President on the Democrat side?” Good question. Obama didn’t know he had an opponent either. Neither did the media or the West Virginia Democrat Party.


The man who got 41%?  Inmate #11593-051. Yes, you heard correctly. A Texas prison inmate named Keith Judd, incarcerated for 17 years for extortion, won 41% of Democrat primary voters in West Virginia’s Presidential primary against Barack Obama, the incumbent President. Keep in mind these were Democrats, Obama’s most loyal voters.


But wait. It gets worse for Obama. Inmate #11593-051 won 10 West Virginia counties outright! Against a sitting Democratic President.


There are several conclusions to be drawn. First, Obama is in deep, deep, deep trouble.


Second, Obama can’t get back to the White House with the help of West Virginia. The state should be written off the Democratic Party’s electoral map. Just leave a great big blank space in the outline of West Virginia. The same blank space might cover the entire South, much of the Midwest, and the entire Rocky Mountain region. That’s a lot of blank space.


Third, Obama has become this generation’s Lyndon Johnson. In 1968 LBJ sadly came to the realization that his re-election was crippled by the Vietnam War. Forty-four years later, Obama must now come to the sad realization that his re-election has been crippled by an economic war. The economy is in free-fall. Obama is the CEO of the U.S. economy. Blaming it on someone else will no longer work. Not in the 4th year of his Presidency. Not as the number of Americans who have given up looking for work gets larger every month.


Bragging about killing Osama Bin Laden – didn’t help. Demanding free contraception from health insurance companies for women – didn’t help. Making a surprise visit to Afghanistan – didn’t help. Coming out in favor of gay marriage – won’t help. In the end it’s all about dollars and cents. “Jobs” is the only issue that will elect the next President of the United States. And Obama has failed miserably. Tuesday’s West Virginia “LBJ moment” proves that even Obama is not too big to fail. It also proves that Americans are fed up with Obama’s regulatory attack on the U.S. economy, in this case destroying the West Virginia coal industry.


This story also, once again, proves the mainstream media are “in the bag” for Obama. This hasn’t been big news. What? Can you imagine if a prison inmate had gotten 41% of the vote and won 10 counties against George W. Bush in a Presidential primary? This would have made headlines across the world. They’d be talking about it in sub Saharan Africa. The angry “Arab Spring” mobs would be chanting about it in Egypt. And Bill Maher would be making prison rape jokes about Bush.


I’m betting Bill Maher doesn’t open his HBO show with this story. Because of pure bias, he’ll be missing the story of the year.


The common sense country folks of West Virginia sent a warning shot over the bow of the U.S.S. Obama. They screamed to the rest of America that “Anyone– Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, or even a prison inmate- is better than what we’ve got running the country now.”


And then there’s Indiana. The Hoosier state provided Obama’s second Lyndon Johnson moment on Tuesday. A 6-term Republican incumbent, Dick Lugar, was defeated in the GOP Senate primary by a Tea Party favorite. This is a clear sign that the Tea Party has roared back to life just in time for the 2012 elections.


Lyndon Johnson took the hint in 1968. It’s time for Obama to realize the light at the end of the tunnel is a train headed straight for him at 200 MPH. It’s time to move out of the way. The peasants with the pitchforks are coming.



Wayne Allyn Root is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He is a capitalist evangelist and serial entrepreneur. He now serves as Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee. He is the best-selling author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts.” His web site: