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Rules for Radicals: Obama’s New Plan to Destroy America

By February 9, 2011No Comments

By Wayne Allyn Root, Former Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee and Best-Selling Author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian”

Could voters be foolish enough to fall for Obama’s new plan to destroy America? A few months ago I played Paul Revere with my commentary "The Real Obama Economic Plan: Purposely Overwhelming the System to Destroy Capitalism." This commentary, exposing Obama and his Marxist plans, was rated by some Internet authorities as the second most popular story on the entire Internet for several months. It’s time for a refresher course, because Obama has just launched Plan B to destroy America.

First let’s review. As Obama’s college classmate at Columbia, I was familiar with the teachings of our Marxist professors, Cloward and Piven. Following their strategy, Obama launched his original plan to distract America and overwhelm the system with Obamacare, cap and trade, stimulus, extending unemployment benefits, card check, banning offshore oil drilling, suing Arizona for enforcing federal laws against illegal immigration, onerous new environmental and banking regulations, and even an attempt to make Puerto Rico the 51st state. We couldn’t keep up with all the socialist bills and proposals. That was precisely the point — create a crisis, overwhelm the system, and make our heads spin with multiple distractions.


A) Make Americans desperate and even more dependent on big government begging for jobs, welfare, unemployment, food stamps and free medical care. As one of Obama’s supporters so aptly put it, “Give me some of that Obama money.” The plan is working.

B) Help his political cronies by redistributing wealth and giving more power to unions, lawyers, lobbyists, environmentalists, and big businesses (at least those that contribute to him). The plan is working.

C) Starve the political opposition — Raise taxes on upper and middle class Americans and create more regulatory hurdles on small business so they have no money left to oppose him. The plan is working.

Why would Obama launch this all-out assault on capitalism, you ask? The answer is simple. He’s an ideologue who hates America and believes the capitalistic system is destructive and exploitive (as do most of my Columbia classmates). Like Mao and Lenin, Obama sees himself as the “people’s savior.”

Fortunately, the American people woke up to what is happening and in the biggest landslide in modern political history voted to stop this progressive/socialist/Marxist strategy. So Obama has decided to re-shuffle the cards. Time for Plan B.

Obama’s new plan is brilliant. Act like you’ve learned a lesson. Compromise. Move to the center. Talk like a moderate conservative. Support tax cuts. Become a friend to business. Act supportive of repealing parts of your own Obamacare plan. Make nice to the Chamber of Commerce. Appoint business leaders to your management team. Talk about tort reform. Talk about the dangers of debt. Become “the jobs” President. Allow Bill O’Reilly to interview you and claim your new goal is to get spending under control. Spend your entire State of the Union praising America. You are now a patriot bleeding red, white and blue.

Why would he commit this act of fraud and deception? One over-riding goal: Get re-elected in 2012. This is a strategy right from the pages of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals playbook. Alinsky was a Marxist who believed the ends justified any means. That includes deception and fraud. Obama is following it to the letter and he’s good at it.

Why is getting re-elected so important? Because then Obama has nothing standing in his way of completing the job he set out to do — DESTROY AMERICA. Once re-elected Obama is no longer responsible to the voters, and has four long years to do so much damage to America, that it may never recover. The community organizer is free to destroy the system with an unprecedented barrage of socialist and Marxist attacks, from within the White House — something even Alinsky never imagined.

In his first term Obama crippled America, our economy, and capitalism. We are on the ropes, hanging by a thread. In his second term, he goes for the kill. He’ll put the finishing touches on his plan to overwhelm the country with deficit and debt; destroy small business and the upper middle class (his political opposition); redistribute wealth to his voters; give unions unprecedented powers; turn twelve million illegal aliens into future Democratic voters who will reliably vote for bigger government; and put a majority of Americans on the dole — either collecting money from government, or working directly for government.

After getting re-elected, Obama will be free to be the real Obama — free to wreak havoc. He can be himself — the Marxist enemy of business, capitalism and patriotism. He will be free to base the economic system on “social justice” and affirmative action. He will be free to reward his friends and punish his enemies. He will be free to condemn Israel and buddy up to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Obama’s second term is what this is all about. The enemies of America have been waiting for this opportunity their entire lives. This is their version of the American Dream. A socialist in the White House with four years to destroy America from within, and no one to answer to. Karl Marx and Saul Alinsky would be proud of their student. And all he has to do is “be cool” for the next two years. Hold his fire. Smile. Kiss babies. Praise America. Befriend the rich. Become a cheerleader for business. And show just a little spending restraint…for two short years. The ends justify the means.

Two more years of patience and the keys to the kingdom…and the economy…and the Fed…and the United States Military…and the nuclear arsenal…all belong to Obama.

And the America that we know and love could be gone forever.