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State of Denial

By February 13, 2013No Comments
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By Wayne Allyn Root


There are a lot of things you can change in life. But you can’t fix stupid. Barack Obama’s speech last night wasn’t a State of the Union. It was a “State of Denial.” It was denial mixed with delusion. It was a state of addiction to spending. It was a modern day fairy tale- in the middle of a Great Depression. It was a “Let’s sing Kum-Ba-Ya and hold hands, while we solve the world’s problems with money we don’t have” speech. It was insanity squared.


Here’s how Obama solves problems. In the middle of a Great Depression he wants to raise the minimum wage by almost $2 per hour. Delusional. Like a Saturday Night Live skit.


In the middle of a Great Depression he wants to raise taxes again….only days after he just raised them. In Obama’s world, we raise taxes every few weeks!


In the middle of a Great Depression with our government $100 trillion in debt, he wants to spend money on a long wish list of leftist fairy tales- from early childhood education…to infrastructure…to green energy… to climate change…to government employees…to redesigning high schools…to get this one…eradicating poverty around the world.


We’re broke with $100 trillion in debt and he’s worried about poverty around the world? 1 in 3 Illinois residents lives in poverty. Maybe Obama should worry about his own state before he tackles world poverty. Denial and Delusion.


Obama says we’re seeing progress…we’re are in recovery. We have jobs. We have “cleared away the rubble of crisis.” We have a “strong state of the union.” I guess he wants you to forget that the 4th quarter GDP was negative. Our economy is actually incontraction. And 11,000 Americans join the food stamp rolls every day. This isn’t a recovery, it’s an economic disaster. Denial and Delusion.


Obama said jobs are doing better. I guess that depends on your definition of “better.” According to data from Bloomberg, from December 2011 to January 2013, nonfarm payrolls were down by 587,000. During just the last year of Obama’s “recovery” we lost over half a million jobs. Denial and Delusion.



With a loss of 587,000 jobs…and 8.5 million Americans dropping out of the workforce since Obama became President…and the real unemployment number U6 at almost 15%…did you hear Obama closed his Jobs Council last week. They hadn’t met in a year. Now that the election is over, he just closed it down. No need to meet at all. Why talk about jobs anymore? Denial and Delusion.


But it fits perfectly with Obama’s claim that we can create so many middle class jobs with wind, solar and other green energy projects. Complete denial of the fact that Spain is the “Green Energy Capital of Europe” yet their economy has collapsed…with 26% unemployment and 56% youth unemployment. The proof is in- there are no green jobs. Denial and Delusion.



Obama said we sold a lot of cars last year. What he didn’t tell you was your tax money propped up the sales. Federal government purchase of cars was up by over 70% last year. It’s all government. We live in a one-company town. Denial and Delusion.


Obama also gloated about the housing recovery. So let’s see, if your home went from $500,000 down to $100,000…but in the past year it soared up to $125,000…Obama gloats and declares victory. But that homeowner is bankrupt, underwater, and in foreclosure. That lousy $25,000 increase versus a $400,000 loss during Obama’s first term just isn’t very helpful. Denial and Delusion.


And to celebrate a housing recovery while demanding the end to what Obama calls “loopholes” must be some kind of joke on the American people. That “loophole” Obama refers to is our mortgage deduction. He wants to take it away in the middle of a housing collapse already worse than the peak of the Great Depression…thereby overnight causinganother housing collapse. We’d all lose 40% of the value of our homes overnight if our mortgage deduction was eliminated. Denial and Delusion.


But the funniest claim of all was Obama stating that he’s already cut $2.5 trillion from the budget. “We’re halfway home to $4 trillion in cuts” he said. This is Chris Rock funny. Nothing was cut. The fiscal cliff deal just added $4 trillion to the national debt. The few tiny cuts that were made were revealed by the OMB (Office of Management & Budget) to be money that was never going to be spent anyway. Obama cut nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada.


The man who promised to cut the deficit in half, but instead doubled it…who called President George W. Bush a disgrace and “unpatriotic” for adding $4 trillion to the national debt in 8 years, but who added $6 trillion himself in only 4 years…that same guy says “we’re halfway home” to solving our debt problem. Denial and Delusion.


The same man who thinks the sequestration that cuts only $85 billion out of a $3.5 trillion budget is “harsh, devastating and reckless”…That man claims he’s going to solve our debt problem? He thinks more debt spent on green energy and early childhood education will get us “halfway home?” Denial and Delusion.


Hell of a plan. But when you raise the minimum raise for millions of employees, the businesses they work for raise prices for the rest of us. Picture Wal*Mart, Target, and every other retailer in America raising prices by 15% in the middle of a Great Depression to pay for Obama’s minimum wage increases. Then watch this Obama economy continue it’s death spiral.


Obama’s State of the Union was a “State of Denial” proving that you can change a lot of things in this world…but you can’t fix stupid.



Wayne Allyn Root is a Capitalist Evangelist, entrepreneur, and conservative media commentator. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. Wayne’s latest book is out on April 15, 2013: “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom. It is available at Amazon at: Wayne’s web site is: