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The Truth About The Obama Agenda

By January 28, 2009No Comments
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I have been asked by radio talk show hosts across the country to talk about President Obama's possible- if not probable- nationalization of the banking system. But there's more to the story than just banks.

This issue ties in with every aspect of the Obama Socialist Agenda- bailouts, handouts, economic stimulus packages, giving too much power to The Federal Reserve…let's not forget tax cuts to people that don't pay taxes.

This Obama agenda isn't about saving the American economy. Rather it is about putting Big Brother in control of our lives. It's about the Nanny State- big government intrusion into every aspect of our lives, in order to "protect" us. It's about destroying capitalism and tearing down the U.S. economy to build a new economic system based on rewarding the "right kind" of Americans- those who support Obama and his agenda.

It's about bribery- Obama is buying votes for a generation- thereby guaranteeing the liberal big government, tax and spend, big union, radical environmental agenda controls every aspect of our lives for decades to come.

It's about Socialism…it's about "group think"…the collective good of society instead of the individual. It's about rewarding the non-productive members of society (Obama's voters), and punishing the taxpayers- the group that creates the jobs, owns the businesses, owns the property, and pays the actual taxes. Just as he told "Joe The Plumber" during the Presidential campaign, Obama wants to punish this group because these Americans tend to vote Conservative.

It's about making the Federal Reserve more powerful so that it can print money endlessly to pay for Obama's reckless spending, even if inflation rises to double-digits and the value of the dollar descends towards zero.

It's about building an economy that rewards Obama's supporters- big unions, government employee unions, teachers unions, auto unions, lawyers unions (otherwise known as The Bar Association), lobbyists, and environmentalists.

And of course the biggest goal of all…it's about controlling the banks, who will decide what people and what projects get funding for the next 4 or 8 years of an Obama administration.

This is the greatest, most manipulative VOTE BUYING SCHEME in political history. Just as the New Deal cemented Democratic control of national politics for a half century- this Obama agenda is The New Deal II…on steroids!

…think long and hard and deeply about what caused this economic tsunami: Too much government spending. Too many handouts. Too much wasted spending on failing public schools- orchestrated by greedy teachers unions. Too many government employees with bloated salaries, pensions and health benefits. Too much deficit. Too much debt. Too many promises by government with blank checks- paid for by taxpayers.

Too many government rules that forced banks to loan billions to low income Americans who couldn't and shouldn't have qualified for mortgages…all in the name of equality and "fairness."

Too many government bureaucrats like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Chuck Schumer with oversight over Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Wall Street, Bernie Madoff, and the banking system- while these same politicians were the biggest beneficiaries of contributions from those very companies and sectors.

And now think of what Obama's solution really consists of- MORE of all of the above. He proposes far more spending to get us out of bankruptcy. He proposes giving state and local governments billions of dollars to reward them for spending far too much- virtually guaranteeing they'll do it again. He wants to make government far more important. He wants to give more power to Barney Frank and his friends. Friends like Congressman Chsarles Rangel who oversees tax policy but conveniently "forgot" to pay his own taxes. Or new Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner who creates tax policy, but conveniently "forgot" to pay his own Social Security taxes. He wants to create more regulations- even though government regulations contributed to the current crisis (and certainly didn't prevent it). How could more of the things that caused this mess possibly be the solution?

Think…think about the beneficiaries of every aspect of this plan: The economic stimulus package is about buying the votes of the 40% of Americans who will get a tax cut check…but never paid any taxes in the first place. Obama is betting that they will gladly vote Democrat for many years to come. Wouldn't you be thankful if someone gave you a check for doing nothing?

It's about giving away $200 billion to state & local governments- to lock up the votes of government employee union members for a generation- by making sure that government employees not only keep their jobs, but get pay raises while the rest of us in the private sector struggle to survive in a depression.

It's about handing out tens of billions of dollars to a failing education system OWNED by teachers unions who couldn't care less about the kids…and prove it every day with lower test scores and higher drop out rates. Why reward failure? To buy the votes of millions of teachers union members for a generation.

It's about giving away billions of dollars to failing auto companies in order to reward the auto unions that supported Obama…and buy the votes of auto workers earning $150,000 (or more) in annual salaries, pensions & benefits to drill rivets into fenders of cars so over-priced that no one wants to buy them anymore. But you can bet that Obama will make sure union contracts are protected- at all costs.

It's about handing out jobs to construction workers- also union members…in order to guarantee that those millions of workers vote Democrat for a generation. And if they're not union members, Obama will pass the Card Check legislation that bans secret ballots, to ensure that every possible worker becomes a union member- even if forced by violence or intimidation.

Finally, the Obama agenda is about a government takeover of banks so that Big Brother is in control of who gets loans. You can bet that the Obama bureaucrats put in charge of banks will use politics as their guide to make every decision- directing the banks' money to union members, union-funded projects, environmentally-correct projects, politically- correct projects, and any projects where Obama's friends stand to profit.

Ladies & gentleman we have sold out. We have sold our souls to the devil…and the devil is big government. Obama doesn't want to help you- he wants you to desperately crave the government's help. He wants you hopeless, helpless, aimless, and clueless, thereby dependent on government to survive. He wants to slip socialism by you…and destroy capitalism while we're in crisis- while you're scared and weak, and he hopes you won't even notice. Not as long as he sends you a check, takes over your bank, protects your mortgage (even if he has to ask government to break the legal contract), educates your children at government-run schools, and gives you a job. And once his plan is complete, he'll own you and your vote for life. But look at the price you'll pay- every aspect of your life will be dominated and determined by Big Brother.

Author Ayn Rand predicted it all many decades ago in "The Nature of Government":
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. "

Give Obama credit for the deception. His brilliant team of handlers and publicists show the mainstream media images of his beautiful wife and children…his wonderful family…and they have him quote the Founding Fathers…and talk about choosing a new church for his family. He talks about tax cuts as a big part of his stimulus plan, never mentioning that the cuts don't go to the people that actually pay most of the taxes. All the while these nice images and perfectly orchestrated sound bites play in the media, Obama is busy destroying capitalism…stomping on the Constitution…and re-distributing the wealth. Karl Marx could not have come up with a more effective plan.

This is a brutal, calculating, manipulative, vicious coup- a takeover of the capitalist system…a high-jacking of the electorate through bribery…under the stress of crisis. This is about turning the whole country into one big Chicago…controlled by big unions…teachers unions…environmental lobbyists who want to tax you to death to prevent a global warming disaster that isn't proven to exist (we are more likely to be experiencing "global cooling"). But no matter…Big Brother is in control and taking action on your behalf…protecting you…keeping you safe and employed…and protecting you from global warming doom & gloom. Remember if draconian global warming rules, regulations and taxes destroy millions of private sector jobs…all the better for the Obama agenda. Obama will create millions of government jobs to replace them- making big government even more powerful and beloved.

All these radical liberal groups are out to destroy capitalism simply because they're no good at it. They've failed in the current system, so their goal is tearing it down to create a new economic system (or "world order") where they can succeed…because they are in control and they make the rules. By applying the right pressure- ie the bribes of trillion dollar government bailouts and programs up for grabs, they've even gotten big business to go along with the plan.

This my friends is the Socialist Utopia…the liberal version of the "Stepford Wives." And it took the perfect boob to open the door- George W. Bush, the compassionate conservative who poisoned the Republican brand; caused conservatives to hide in embarrassment and shame; and allowed Obama to exist because of Bush's own incompetence, arrogance, reckless disregard for excessive government spending, and record-setting expansion of government. Now Obama is here to "rescue" us. Not that he's ever been in business…not that he's ever taken an economics class…not that he's ever created a job. But simply because Obama is the Anti-Bush, he now commands the American economy and the free world.

In response, we are all stepping off the cliff like lemmings…following a Pied Piper…falling to our deaths…destroying capitalism…giving up our freedoms…sacrificing our children's future…wrecking our economy…punishing the taxpayers…and rewarding those who failed in the capitalist system- who happen to support Obama.

Historian and political statesmen Alexis De Tocqueville's words have finally come true:
"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."

Some of us can still see what is happening. Some of us are willing to stand up to the bullies. Some of us are willing to still support capitalism. Some of us are willing to lead the loyal opposition. I'm Proud to call myself a Libertarian, Fiscal Conservative, Capitalist, Small Businessman, Home-School Dad, Citizen Politician, Son of a Butcher…and The ANTI-Obama.

Wayne Allyn Root was the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate. His new book is released by John Wiley & Sons in May entitled, "The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts." He also happens to be Barack Obama's college classmate (Columbia University Class of '83). For more of his views, commentaries and to watch his many media interviews, please visit his web site at: