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V.E.T.O. Vote Everyone of Them Out!

By March 9, 2010No Comments

Obama Inflames the Citizen Revolution.

Is Obama the Tiger Woods of Politics?

By Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee

First Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. Now he’s been awarded an Olympic Gold Medal- for going downhill faster than any President EVER! It’s all falling apart for Obama and his cabal of socialists, elitists, tax cheats, and now alleged sexual harassers. As Obama promises to pass Obamacare- whether we like it or not- his Democratic political machine implodes under the weight of it’s own arrogance, hypocrisy, deceit and fraud.

Only days ago, Congressman Charles Rangel had to resign his post as Chairman of Ways and Means (the committee that determines taxes for all Americans) because he’s a tax cheat. Only days later Congressman Eric Massa of New York was forced to resign while facing charges of sexually harassing one of his male Congressional aides. Now here is where it gets interesting- on the way out the door Massa called Rahm Emanuel “the son of the devil’s spawn.” He accused Emanuel- the President’s head goon and intimidator- of framing him because he would have voted against Obamacare. Massa said of Obama and Emanuel, “They will stop at nothing to pass this healthcare bill.” It almost sounds like he’s talking about the Chicago mob, doesn’t it?

These are the people rushing and ramming through a trillion dollar government takeover of 1/6th of the U.S. economy…without ever reading it… with a large majority of Americans opposing it… in the middle of a depression. Does any of this make sense?

Why would any sane politician be so anxious to pass a job killer and massive tax increase in the midst of a depression? Why would any sane human being want to pass a trillion dollars (or far more) in new spending in the middle of a unsustainable debt crisis? Is Obama truly this ignorant and politically tone deaf? Or does he know exactly what he’s doing? Perhaps his goal from day one has been to pile on enough debt to overwhelm the U.S. economy, put big government in control of our lives forever, and destroy capitalism before his one term is up.

Obama was my college classmate at one of the most prestigious Ivy League universities in America (Columbia University Class of ’83). There are two things I can tell you about my classmates at Columbia:

#1) None of them were stupid or ignorant.

#2) Most (if not all) were Socialists and Marxists who despised America and hoped to one day end capitalism.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi have repeatedly denied the existence of “Death Panels.” But the joke is on them- they are the death panel. Any Congressperson dumb or self destructive enough to vote for Obamacare will be committing political suicide. They are following orders of madmen and women- right off a cliff. And worse, they will be throwing gas on the fire of a smoldering citizen revolution. I predict that there will be revolt and rioting in the streets if this bill is passed against the wishes of the American people with only 51 votes (called reconciliation).

We are facing an economic Armageddon thanks to decades of obscene, irresponsible, and insane levels of spending. And of course the icing on the cake: one year of “insanity squared” under a President with a spending addiction on par with Tiger Woods’ desperate need for sex and Ambien.

There is only one answer- and it isn’t blindly putting the GOP back in charge. Or have we already forgotten Tom DeLay, Mark Foley, Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, and the countless blunders and disasters of the recent GOP past.

The answer is to V.E.T.O. the entire U.S. Congress. Vote Everyone of Them Out on November 2nd, 2010.

Vote against every incumbent in the country (with a few exceptions- Ron Paul standing out as one of the heroes who tried to stop the insanity). Let’s tell the U.S. Congress: “YOU’RE FIRED!” Let’s aim to raise the unemployment level by 400 or more Senators and Congressman on November 2nd. That is the message the new ruling party- the GOP- will need to hear (and fear) if we are to save this country and preserve our children’s and grandchildren’s future.

The end is near. The only question is will it be the end of D.C. politics as usual…or the end of our country? I know what I choose. It’s time to throw all the bums out in a citizen revolution that will go down in history as the day the people took back their government. On March 27th Sarah Palin will share the stage with me in Searchlight, Nevada (Harry Reid’s hometown) for the biggest Tea Party in Nevada history. I hope you’ll join us. Let the citizen revolution begin.