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Why America’s Leading Libertarian is Endorsing Mitt Romney and Joining the GOP

By September 13, 2012No Comments
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As Published at Glenn Beck’s web site on 9/12/12

By Wayne Allyn Root

Before I introduce myself and tell you about the most important decision of my political life, let me first cut to the chase. If Obama is re-elected on November 6th, America and capitalism both face grave danger. We may never recover from another 4 years of Barack Obama.

As Obama’s college classmate at Columbia University, I’ve reported for 4 years now on his plan to overwhelm the U.S. economy and wipe out capitalism. It’s based on the strategy of two Columbia University professors Cloward and Piven. Obama is following it to perfection. But he has only just begun. He’s actually tried to be reasonable for his first four years- because his goal was to be re-elected, so he could finish the job.

If Obama is re-elected on November 6th, you haven’t seen anything yet. His gloves will be off. He will be free to be his REAL radical self. Without ever having to face voters again, Obama will truly wreck this economy from sea to shining sea- just as Saul Alinsky, Cloward & Piven, Barack Obama Sr., Frank Marshall, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and a host of other radical, Marxist, American-haters taught him.

We will face a final economic Armageddon- the total collapse of the U.S. economy and our monetary system. Obama unleased will send the IRS to crush his political opposition. He will appoint a majority of Supreme Court and federal judges- so none of his violations of the Constitution will ever again be challenged. His policies will encourage radical Islamic and terrorist rogue states to threaten and eventually destroy Israel. And he will continue to weaken the U.S. military, so we will be unable to prevent it from happening.

Have I got your attention now?

Here’s my story. It has been a whirlwind last 5 years in my life. I started out my journey as the antithesis of a politician. As a small businessman, home-school dad, Las Vegas oddsmaker, and political newcomer running for the Libertarian Presidential nomination in 2007, you couldn’t find more of an anti-politician in all of politics.

But in America anything is possible. In this great country, never discount a long shot. I was elected the Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee in 2008. The Bob Barr/Wayne Root Presidential ticket went on to garner the second highest vote total in Libertarian history. I was then elected Chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, and became the #1 vote-getter in the country for election to the Libertarian National Committee. Media across the country called me “Mr. Libertarian” in my 4000 media appearances since 2008.

Today, after giving this many months of thought, I’m announcing the most important decision of my political career. I am stepping down from my roles in the Libertarian party, to rejoin the Republican Party, and most importantly, to elect Mitt Romney as President of the United States.

Why? First, let’s start with what I believe in. I believe in the limited government promised by the U.S. Constitution. I want government to get out of the way of small business owners like me- put fewer rules & regulations in our way, and allow us to keep more of our own money. I want government to remember that it’s our money in the first place. I want politicians to support and motivate the taxpayers, the private sector, and small business- the economic engine of America. Small businesses create 75% of new jobs and pay most of the taxes in this country.

Under the Obama administration we have seen businessmen denigrated, demonized, punished, smothered by 60,000 new rules and regulations, threatened with massive new taxes, and attacked by the IRS. That’s why there are no jobs. That’s why, in my opinion, the economy is in freefall. That’s why America is facing economic collapse and disaster.

I’m a Capitalist Evangelist. I’m proud to be a small businessman. I love starting and running businesses. What matters now above all else- the issues that are of life and death importance to this country, the only issues that matter to 90% of Americans- are the economy, creating jobs, lowering spending, lowering the debt and deficit, reducing taxes, and saving capitalism. Because if the economy collapses, or your personal economy collapses, what difference does any other issue matter? We need to get our fiscal house in order first, before we can deal with all the other problems. Without an economy, without jobs, nothing else matters. That’s why electing Mitt Romney is so important.

This election is NOT about Libertarian versus non-Libertarian. This election is about capitalism versus big government progressivism and Big Brother socialism. Mitt Romney believes in the same things I do- keeping businesses free from government intrusion, allowing small business owners to keep more of their own money, and rewarding instead of punishing investors, innovators, and job creators. Mitt understands, as President Calvin Coolidge once said, “The business of America is business.”

Mitt understands that Obama’s rhetoric, constant threats against business, union favoritism, IRS intimidation, barrage of tax increases, 60,000 new rules and regulations, $5 trillion in new debt, the added taxes and regulations of Obamacare, and the attempt to ban oil drilling and regulate the coal industry out of existence, have collectively ground the U.S. economy to a halt.

If you don’t believe me, just look across the pond to Europe. They’ve been following Obama’s exact plan for decades. Their mantra was also big government, big unions, big spending, big taxes, big pensions, free healthcare, too many government employees, and green energy. The result? Economic disaster on a grand scale. Specifically Greece, Italy, and Spain are enduring a tragedy few can even comprehend. France is next. We are following the exact same path under Obama.

The sad reality is that this is our LAST STAND to save America. The defeat of Barack Obama is necessary to save the U.S. economy from complete collapse. We will not survive four more years of Obama as CEO of this economy. I know my businesses will not survive another four years of Obama. The economy is in free-fall here on Main Street. Small business owners like me are seeing our entire life’s work melting away. Our children’s future is being destroyed before our very eyes.

The U.S. economy is like a very large and diverse failing company, in desperate need of a turnaround. What America needs at this moment in history is a job creator with major CEO experience…with specific business turnaround experience…a detailed understanding of economics…a creative and innovative business mind…and a track record of extraordinary success…to lead this country back from the edge of the fiscal cliff. That person is Mitt Romney. If he could pull off miracles with Staples (and dozens of companies like it)…and the 2002 Olympics (which he saved from an economic disaster similar to the situation America now faces)…he can turn this Obama bust into the Romney boom economy.

Do I agree with Mitt and the GOP on every issue? Of course not. No one ever agrees 100% on everything. But I’m willing to put my differences aside- to set an example- in order to take back our country from the grips of socialism and the abyss of economic ruin. There is no other choice. Our back is to the wall, and Obama’s defeat is that important to the survival of our country, our economy, our freedoms, our children’s future, and ultimately, capitalism itself.

It’s time for a coalition of Republicans, conservatives, Tea Party activists, Libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, small business owners, homeowners, investors, patriots, Christians, Jews, and Israel supporters to join together and support Mitt Romney now.

As Clint Eastwood said, “We own this nation.” It’s time to take it back. Our businesses and jobs depend on it. The future of America and our children depends on it. Their quality of life is hanging in the balance. This is our last stand.

Is there still hope? Can this Obama nightmare be turned around? Look no further than Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s policies turned a Jimmy Carter economic disaster (similar to Obama’s) into the greatest and longest economic boom in world history- leading to the creation of over 45 million net jobs, over $60 trillion in private sector asset creation, and the greatest increase in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in American history. Reagan’s “Great Bull Market” created more wealth for America’s families than any boom ever.

Because of my general agreement with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan on important economic issues…and because of my deep understanding of what Obama intends to do to this economy and this country in a 2nd term…I will do everything in my power to help elect Mitt Romney as the next President of the United States.

I believe Mitt Romney is our Reagan. And I am proud to once again call myself a Republican. God Bless America.

Wayne Allyn Root is a Tea Party Libertarian conservative, Capitalist Evangelist, and serial entrepreneur. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. He is the best-selling author of “The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold & Tax Cuts.” His web site: