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By Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t think enough Americans understand the gravity of the situation we’re in.

We are facing the end of the GOP. We are facing the reality that if Trump doesn’t win in 2024, there will never be another Republican president. That’s not a possibility, it’s a certainty.


But it’s much worse than that. With Democrats in full control of power, there will never be a Republican again. PERIOD.

With one party rule… and the weaponization of government in full force… and censorship of dissent by media and social media in full force… with free speech being criminalized (as it is now versus Trump) against all Americans… with no opposition to communist Big Brother government… being Republican, or conservative, or patriotic, will almost certainly be criminalized out of existence.

That’s the end of America, American exceptionalism, the American Dream, capitalism, and Judeo-Christian values.



That’s it. It’s all over. The whole kit and caboodle. The whole kitchen sink. The whole enchilada. Everything you know and love will be gone forever. Including your children’s future. And their freedom.

And once America goes, so goes the entire world. We are the last holdout. The last bastion of freedom, and free speech, and capitalism. The shining city on the hill. Without America leading the way, the rest of the world falls.


It’s Trump in 2024, or it’s over. It’s darkness. It’s Big Brother. It’s slavery. It’s the end.

Think I’m exaggerating?

First, we come to Trump. He’s up by 30, or 40, or 50 points in the GOP primary in every poll. He is the nominee in 2024. That’s a reality. He is therefore the only game in town if you believe in America, and freedom, and free speech, and capitalism.

Trump cannot lose if the GOP nomination is decided by GOP primary voters. That’s become reality.

Yes, it’s still possible Trump could be stopped from being the GOP nominee by either being convicted and sent to prison for 500 years… or by being disqualified and taken off the ballot (the two paths now being pursued by Democrats).

Democrats are that afraid of Trump. They understand what’s at stake. They understand the gravity of the situation. They understand they are one election and one year away from officially turning America into a one-party-rule country.


They are that close to having all the power to “fundamentally change America” forever. 

They understand Trump is the only one that can stop their plan from being realized. They understand Trump is the only thing standing in the way of the final destruction of America and the GOP.

Do you?


Does Ron DeSantis? Or Nikki Haley? Or Chris Christie? Or Mike Pence? I call them “the 5% to 10% club.” Each of them has a ceiling of 5% to 10% in the GOP primary. They have no chance. But they’re doing their best to hurt Trump. Why? Whose side are they on? Are they playing for the other team?

Only Trump will be our GOP nominee. So why are they running interference? Who is paying them? It’s a suicide run. They must know that. So, what’s in it for them?

The GOP nominee will be Trump. That’s our guy. Our last chance to save America and the American Dream. The last chance to ever elect a Republican again.

Unless they imprison Trump or disqualify him. In which case, it’s over anyway. We’ve lost before there is ever an election. We’ve allowed the full weaponization of government. We’ve allowed the communist takeover of our government.

We’ve allowed Democrats to decide who the GOP nominee should be. We’ve allowed Democrats to remove the guy with the best chance of beating them. Our nominee will be decided without a single Republican voter getting a say.

We’ve allowed a country where the strongest candidate who has a chance of beating Democrats is raided by the FBI, framed, indicted and sent to prison, or removed from the ballot.


You honestly think we’re EVER electing another Republican again after we’ve allowed that?

So, it really is Trump, or one-party-rule… and the end of the GOP… and the last Republican president ever…

And after that… full blown censorship, full blown silencing of any criticism or alternative viewpoints… full blown criminalization of all dissent, at the threat of FBI raids and imprisonment.


Therefore, no more Republicans – PERIOD. 

Being a Republican will be outlawed as a threat to America… as being a “domestic terrorism”… as being “racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic, a spreader of misinformation.”

And therefore, with true one-party-rule for the first time, there will be nothing to stop Democrats (i.e., communists). It’s the official end of America.


Trump REALLY is the only one standing in the way of that reality. 

This was my Part I. Next week I’ll release my Part II – detailing exactly what America will look like after Democrats have defeated Trump (by rigging the 2024 election, just like 2020), or imprisoned Trump, or removed Trump from the ballot, and achieved one-party-rule.

Then you’ll understand exactly what we’re facing, the gravity of this moment.

Trump is not just the last Republican President, if he loses in 2024, he is the last Republican – Period.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s latest book is out, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” Wayne hosts two TV shows – on Real America’s Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He also hosts the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, weeknights from 6 PM – 9 PM ET. Visit for more information.